Crazy Biatch Asians
The podcast for Asians in the West. Join Sharon Jiang as she talks about the issues Asians can face in the Western world. Culture and identity, entertainment and love and dating are all discussed here so join the conversation! Chat on Wednesdays.
Crazy Biatch Asians
Is Your Asian Name a Disadvantage?
It's Juna versus Sharon - we’re talking about how living with a unique Asian name can have a prominent effect on your life. From affecting your personality to your employability, we discuss whether or not having a non-anglo name puts you at a disadvantage and what you can do about it.
We’d LOVE to hear from you about your personal experiences! Slide into our dms on Insta @crazybiatchasians or continue the convo via email
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Produced by Juna Xu.
Edited by Sharon Jiang.