Crazy Biatch Asians
The podcast for Asians in the West. Join Sharon Jiang as she talks about the issues Asians can face in the Western world. Culture and identity, entertainment and love and dating are all discussed here so join the conversation! Chat on Wednesdays.
Crazy Biatch Asians
How to Help Your Asian Parents Understand Mental Health
"You’re not depressed, you’re just tired!" Why can't my Asian parents understand mental health?
In many Asian communities, mental health is often seen as a weakness and a disgrace to the family honour. We hope by initiating this conversation, we’re able to help destigmatise it and provide some advice for anyone who might be in a tough situation where both their mental health and family values are conflicting.
We’d LOVE to hear from you about your personal experiences! Slide into our dms on Insta @crazybiatchasians or continue the convo via email crazybiatchasians@gmail.com
If you want to support us through monthly donations, you can find us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/crazybiatchasians
Helpful Links
- Mental Health Plan: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/subjects/whats-covered-medicare/mental-health-care-and-medicare
- 8 Tips for Talking About Mental Health With Your Asian Family: https://www.self.com/story/mental-health-asian-parent
- Headspace: https://headspace.org.au/
Produced by Juna Xu.
Edited by Sharon Jiang.